Archbishop e.v.O'hara
≑ council 4387 ≑
5111 East 112 Terrace
Kansas City, Missouri 64137
1 (816) 966 - 1492
our duty is to lead our families, protect our parishes, and serve our communities, remembering always that where there’s a need, there’s a Knight.
The Knights of Columbus Drive for Persons with Developmental Disabilities has been in existence since 1970. This years' drive is (To Be Announced) and is commonly called “The Tootsie Roll Drive.” You can find Knights on street intersections across the entire State. They all will be wearing bright yellow vests, passing out Tootsie Rolls and collecting donations to help children with special needs.
And if you miss them there, you can support them here by making your gift online closer to the drive!
Proceeds from the Tootsie Roll Drive will benefit the Knights of Columbus Developmental Center at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. The Knights Center provides comprehensive diagnosis, intervention family support and professional education services.
In 1981, the Knights Center was the first center in the region dedicated to children with intellectual developmental disorders, and in 2007 was designated as a Missouri Center for Autism by the Department of Mental Health.
With continuous funding provided through the Missouri Columbian Charities and the Illinois State Council, Missouri and Illinois local councils, the center serves over 2,500 children a year. Because of your generous support, we are able to identify a child’s developmental disorder at an early age. As a result, we are able to prescribe early intervention treatment that allows each child to reach his or her fullest potential.
Archbishop E. V. O'Hara
Council 4387
5111 East 112th Terrace
Kansas City, Missouri 64137
1 (816) 966-1492
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